MSF Reponse to WHO Report on Antimicrobial Resistance


With the imminent release of WHO's report on antibiotic/antimicrobial resistance, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) responds to the report with the following quote:

“We see horrendous rates of antibiotic resistance wherever we look in our field operations, including children admitted to nutritional centers in Niger, and people in our surgical and trauma units in Jordan.

“Countries need to improve their surveillance of antimicrobial resistance, as otherwise our actions are just a shot in the dark; without this information, doctors don’t know the extent of the problem and can’t take the right clinical decisions needed.

“Ultimately, WHO’s report should be a wake-up call to governments to introduce incentives for industry to develop new, affordable antibiotics that do not rely on patents and high prices and are adapted to the needs of developing countries.

“What we urgently need is a solid global plan of action which provides for the rational use of antibiotics so that quality-assured antibiotics reach those who need them, but are not overused or priced beyond reach.”

  —Dr. Jennifer Cohn, Medical Director, MSF Access Campaign