MSF Cholera Response Continues to Expand in Juba, South Sudan

Corinne Baker/MSF


The cholera outbreak in Juba, the capital of South Sudan, continues to spread. The latest official statistics report 733 cholera cases.

The majority of cases continue to be treated in the main Ministry of Health hospital in the city, Juba Teaching Hospital, where Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has sent four staff to support their cholera treatment activities.

MSF opened a dedicated 100-bed cholera treatment center in the Gudele 2 district on Saturday, May 24, and will open another treatment center and one or more oral rehydration points in the coming days. The plan is to have enough capacity to treat all patients if the epidemic accelerates, and to reduce some of the pressure on the very busy Juba Teaching Hospital. By the morning of Wednesday, May 28, the Gudele 2 treatment center had seen 88 patients, with around 20 new patients arriving each day. As news of the new treatment center spreads, MSF expects more patients to come, as it is close to some of the areas of Juba that are most affected by the outbreak.

Further cholera treatment supplies are being prepared, ready for sending to South Sudan in case the number of cholera patients rises sharply.

MSF team member preparing the oral cholera vaccine.
Corinne Baker/MSF